i haven’t posted an update on tomatovillage for a while - but a lot has happened.
a new name
i found a new name for the food blogging platform. what used to be tomatovillage is now the new name is self explanatory and has the potential to play around with space related themes in branding and marketing.
a logo
after messing with a few logo ideas on chatgpt using food, cats, planets and other space related keywords, i settled for this cat in a planet bowl:
new features
here’s what’s new:
- a recipe editor
- social interactions on recipes: like, bookmark, comment
- a notifications feed (for likes and comments)
- content gets moderated via openai (comments and recipes)
- automatic alt-tags on recipe images
- you can import a recipe text and get it parsed by ai
- it’s using algolia for search
what’s next
i want to get the paperwork for google and facebook logins done soon. there are still a lot of small bugs and quirks to be sorted out, especially in the search.
next i would like to work on seo and start building a mobile app.